2005-06 Annual Report Table of Contents
Letter from the Directors
Programs and Events
Corporate Roundtables
Academic Seminars and Conferences
Research and Publications
Academic Publications
Management Articles
Research Fellows Program
Research Projects
Research Grant Proposals
MBA Program Enrichment
MBA Fellows Program
Visiting Executives and Academics
External Outreach
CIO Leadership Notes
Radio Tuck
Presentations and Event Participation
Participants in Center Events
Executive Fellows
Public Relations
Media Mentions
Dartmouth/Tuck and Alumni Publicity
Press Releases and Other Publicity
Website Development
Letter from the Directors
Dear Stakeholder,
The Center for Digital Strategies focuses on enabling business strategy through digital strategies that harness a company's unique competencies. We are excited to report our progress this year in achieving this mission within all three of our key constituencies: research academics, corporate executives, MBA students.
With awards of over one million dollars this year from the Department of Homeland Security and the National Institute of Standards, we initiated major new research efforts in information security and trust. Early results from this work have been accepted in the most prestigious research conferences and highlighted in managerial articles published by the business press. Related work was also published in a presidential report (National Infrastructure Advisory Council) with CDS participation in the study group. Our security research has also impacted the top corporate security managers in the country through our workshop for chief information security officers. Finally, the academic research conference on supply chain management that we held last year precipitated a special issue of the academic journal Interfaces that we edited—extending and archiving the impact of this world-class event.
Our corporate roundtable series enjoyed growing influence and deep participation from our core group of Fortune 500 firms. Executives from 3M, Bechtel, Cargill, Cisco, Dell, Eastman Chemical, Eaton, GM, Hasbro, HP, IBM, Owens Corning, and Select Comfort, along with academics from Tuck, Michigan, Columbia, Babson, and Minnesota, participated in this series of three roundtables. We also launched our first joint-venture with Tuck Executive Education and Brimstone Consulting, hosting a workshop for CIOs on strategic partnering and leading change.
This year yielded a number of publications and media mentions in high impact venues including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Harvard Business Review, and Financial Times. With the San Francisco-based firm Enterprise Insight, the center launched an online magazine entitled "CIO Leadership Notes". This series of interviews with leading CIOs aims to provide provocative and relevant thought-leadership content to the community of large-enterprise CIOs. We also re-launched Radio Tuck with a wide-range of actively accessed podcasts of executive interviews.
Internally, our Tech@Tuck MBA events brought leading technology executives from different industries together to discuss the emerging digital home. As with all Tech@Tuck events, we also put a wide range of state-of-the-art technology into the hands of our students. Additionally, we developed two new cases that impacted the MBA core curriculum and executive education. And we hosted a range of speakers in our research seminar series entitled "Technology, Innovation, and Learning".
We invite you to read our Annual Report below to get the details on events, people, and publications, and learn more about the center's exciting accomplishments.
M. Eric Johnson |
Hans Brechbühl |
Director |
Executive Director |
Corporate Roundtables
This year, the center organized three corporate roundtables for the Thought Leadership Roundtable on Digital Strategies (TLRDS) series. Each TLRDS roundtable consisted of 15-20 CIOs and functional VPs from Fortune 500 companies and 2-3 senior academics engaged in a day-long moderated roundtable discussion. Together they shared perspectives on a specific business issue, wrestled with concerns common across sectors, and worked to identify digital strategies that create and sustain competitive advantage. Event summaries and/or content overviews (and much more) are available for each roundtable at the links below:
Leveraging the Enterprise through Process Transformation
September 27, 2005, Minneapolis, MN
Strategic Partnering: Managing Joint Ventures and Alliances
February 28, 2006, Durham, NC
Nurturing and Executing Innovation
June 6, 2006, Pawtucket, RI
In addition to hosting the roundtable series, the center hosted two workshops.
In March, the center co-hosted with the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection a security workshop to discuss the challenges of organizing for security. CISOs and other senior security executives from 17 Fortune 500 firms participated in this event—including 3M, Bank of America, Bose, Cisco, Colgate-Palmolive, Eastman Chemical, Eaton, IBM, Medtronic, Pep Boys, Time Warner Cable and the U.S. Army. Content from this workshop is available at the link below:
Embedding Information Security Risk Management into the Extended Enterprise
March 1, 2006, Durham, NC
In April, the center co-hosted with Tuck Executive Education and the Brimstone Consulting Group a CIO workshop to discuss how the IT organization is leading change and increasing strategic effectiveness. CIOs from 18 Fortune 500 companies participated in this two-day event—including Eastman Chemical, Eaton, Fidelity, H&R Block, Hasbro, IBM, Pfizer, Reebok, Time Warner Cable, and Waste Management. Content from this workshop is available at the link below:
The CIO as Strategic Business Partner: Leading Change and Driving Results
April 20, 2006, Hanover, NH
Tech@Tuck is a center-sponsored series of annual events for the Tuck and greater Dartmouth community that highlight digital technologies and their personal or business implications. This series features panels comprised of executives debating topics of interest to students and faculty, as well as hands-on demonstrations of the latest associated gadgets and devices. This year the center held two events around the topic of the Digital Home. Content overviews and other event-related materials to this year's Tech@Tuck events are available at the links below:
Intel in the Digital Home (Tech@Tuck)
January 11, 2006, Hanover, NH
The Emerging Digital Home (Tech@Tuck)
January 18, 2006, Hanover, NH
Next year's theme will be Security: in addition to hosting a panel at Tuck, we are also working with the Hopkins Center to bring "SuperVision"—a theatrical production that explores the relationship between electronic information, security, and identity—to Dartmouth.
Academic Seminars and Conferences
The center promotes research and discussion related to technological innovation and organizational learning. This year, the center continued to add speakers to the seminar series entitled Technology, Innovation, and Learning (TIL). This series brings together faculty and visiting academics whose expertise cross multiple areas—economics, operations, strategy, engineering, marketing, and organizations. Content overviews and related materials are available for each event at the links below:
Carbon Is Free?: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Diffusion of No Regrets
October 6, 2005, Hanover, NH
Corporate Venture Capital and the Returns to Acquiring Entrepreneurial Firms
March 28, 2006, Hanover, NH
Collaboration Rules
April 6, 2006, Hanover, NH
In addition to hosting the seminar series, the center hosted a security workshop, as mentioned above, in partnership with researchers at MIT, the University of Virgina, and RAND. Content from this workshop is available at the link below:
Embedding Information Security Risk Management into the Extended Enterprise
March 1, 2006, Durham, NC
Academic Publications
The center and its affiliated faculty and fellows have made a material contribution to the publication of the following academic papers or publications this year. The center also added to its own series of working papers:
Dynes, Scott, Hans Brechbühl, M. Eric Johnson. "Information Security in the
Extended Enterprise: Some Initial Results From a Field Study of an Industrial
Firm," Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on the Economics of Information
Security, Harvard University, June 2005.
Dynes, Scott and M. Eric Johnson. "A Field Study of Extended Enterprise
Security," Proceedings of the CABIT Third Annual Security Symposium,
August 2005.
Fleischmann, Moritz, Joseph M. Hall, and David F. Pyke. "A Dynamic Pricing
Model for Coordinated Sales and Operations," Tuck School of Business
Working Paper No. 2005-25 , November 2005.
Gloor, Peter. Swarm Creativity, Oxford University Press. December 2005.
White, Jr., Charles H. "Security beyond the Ports," The Journal of Commerce.
March 13, 2006.
Johnson, M. Eric. "Supply Chain Management: Technology, Globalization, and
Policy at a Crossroads," Interfaces, Vol. 36, No. 3, May-June, 2006.
Dynes, Scott, Eva Andrijcic, M. Eric Johnson. "Costs to the U.S. Economy
of Information Infrastructure Failures." Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop
on the Economics of Information Security, Oxford University, June 2006.
Johnson, M. Eric. "Dual Sourcing Strategies: Operational Hedging and
Outsourcing to Reducing Risk in Low-Cost Countries," Forthcoming in
Supply Chain Excellence in Emerging Economies, Springer-Verlag, editors
Chung-Yee Lee and Hau L. Lee.
Johnson, M. Eric. "Building a Distribution System in Eastern Europe: Organic
Growth in the Czech Republic," Forthcoming in Supply Chain Excellence
in Emerging Economies, Springer-Verlag, editors Chung-Yee Lee and
Hau L. Lee.
Pyke, David F. "Shanghai or Charlotte? The Decision to Outsource to China
and Other Low Cost Countries," Forthcoming in
Supply Chain Excellence in Emerging Economies, Springer-Verlag, editors
Chung-Yee Lee and Hau L. Lee.
Johnson, M. Eric. "Ubiquitous Communication: Tracking Technologies within
the Supply Chain," Forthcoming in Logistics Engineering Handbook,
CRC Press, editor G. D. Taylor.
Management Articles
The center and its faculty or fellows wrote or had the following articles published for the executive audience in the past year:
"Elusive Integration: Linking Sales and Operations Planning." ASCET, Vol. 7, 2005.
"Fueling Business Strategy through IT/Finance Alignment." Thought Leadership
Roundtable Publication. July 2005.
Johnson, M. Eric. "A Broader Context for Information Security." Financial Times.
September 16, 2005.
"Leveraging the Enterprise through Process Transformation." Thought Leadership
Roundtable Publication. November 2005.
Johnson, M. Eric. "Just in Time for the Holidays." Harvard Business Review.
December 2005.
"Strategic Partnering: Managing Joint Ventures and Alliances." Thought Leadership
Roundtable Publication. April 2006.
"Embedding Security Risk Management in the Extended Enterprise."
An Executive Workshop. June 2006.
"The CIO as Strategic Business Partner." An Executive Workshop. June 2006.
This year, the center and the San Francisco-based firm Enterprise Insight launched the online magazine CIO Leadership Notes. This magazine consists of interviews with leading CIOs focused on strategic management issues. Our goal is to provide provocative and relevant thought-leadership content to the community of large-enterprise CIOs. This year, we produced two issues and three interviews. See www.cioleadershipnotes.com for the complete interviews.
Ralph Szygenda, Group VP and CIO, General Motors, on "Driving Change."
CIO Leadership Notes. November 2005.
Cliff Dodd, SVP and CIO, Kaiser Permanente on "Driving Change." CIO
Leadership Notes. November 2005.
Austin Adams, CIO, JPMorgan Chase on "Making Mergers Work." CIO
Leadership Notes. February 2006.
The center has developed the following cases for use in the courses listed:
"Technology and Quality at Steinway"
by M. Eric Johnson, Joseph Hall, and David Pyke, 2005, taught in
the Supply Chain Management class in Fall 2005.
"Aligning the Supply Chain"
by Laura Rock Kopczak and M. Eric Johnson, 2006, taught in
the Mastering the Supply Chain class for Executive Education class
in Spring 2006.
Research Fellows Program
The center welcomes the opportunity to work with researchers from an industry, consulting or appropriate government setting on areas of mutual interest.
Scott Dynes and Laura Rock Kopczak were appointed research project managers at the center this year. Scott is leading research projects on information security and security investments, and Laura is leading projects on technology and trust.
Among the center's other research fellows this year were: Peter Gloor (collaboration networks), who recently published the book Swarm Creativity; Charles H. White, Jr. (transportation security) and Robert Bruce (telecommunications). Their latest publications can be found under "Academic Publications" and "Management Articles" in this report.
Research Projects
The center cooperates with and sometimes provides funding to affiliated researchers for research on topics of direct interest to the center. This year the center continued its participation in two projects it helped seed last year, and began work on two new studies:
Electronic Collaboration Study with the University of St. Gallen
Collaborative Knowledge Networks Project with MIT Sloan
Identification and Management of Information Security Risks in Supply Chains
with the Institute for Security Technology Studies (ISTS)
Enhancing Trust through Information Sharing in the Extended Enterprise (EnTISE)
with the Institute for Security Technology Studies (ISTS)
Research Grant Proposals
Over the course of the last year, the center received funding for the following research projects:
"Technology and Trust," from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance, as part
of a larger research program managed by the Institute for Security
Technology Studies. Funded, $230K.
"Understanding and Quantifying the Economic Impact of Security Failures and
Defense Strategies," as part of a consortium including the Univ. of
Virginia, RAND, George Mason U. and the I3P. Funded, $800K.
MBA Fellows Program
The center offers this program for second-year students interested in digital technology and its broad impact on business today. Fellows have unique networking opportunities with the center's visitors including executives visiting a number of technology related classes; gain a greater understanding of the issues of digital strategies by working with center faculty and events; and are able to do independent research or write a case in an area of interest to the student. This year's fellows participated in the following ways:
Chandra Jayaram T'06, independent project
Michael Lewis T'06, Radio Tuck interviewer, independent project
Carlos Martinez Mozo T'06, Radio Tuck interviewer, Tech@Tuck organizer, independent
Daniel McGuire T'06, Radio Tuck interviewer, Tech@Tuck organizer, independent
Navin Rajaram T'06, Radio Tuck interviewer, Tech@Tuck organizer, independent project
Brian Schmidt T'06, Radio Tuck interviewer, Tech@Tuck organizer, independent project
Matthew Trail T'06, Radio Tuck interviewer, independent project
Visiting Executives and Academics
As part of its efforts to enrich the MBA program, the center invites and hosts executives and academics in conjunction with the professors teaching center-affiliated courses, or for other events at Tuck. This year we hosted 15 visitors for a variety of classes and events:
Glenn Britt T'72,
Chairman & CEO, Time Warner Cable
January 18, 2006, Tech@Tuck panelist
Dave Dougherty
President and Chief Operating Officer of Convergys Corp.
February 7, 2006, Management of Service Operations class speaker
Philip Evans
Boston Consulting
April 6, 2006, Technology, Innovation, and Learning seminar speaker
Jeffrey Gordon
SVP, Advanced Development and New Markets for the Information
Management Group, Convergys Corporation
February 7, 2006, Management of Service Operations class speaker
Blair LaCorte T'90
Executive Vice President, Marketing & Business Development, Savi Technology
November 10, 2005, Supply Chain Management class speaker
Bruce Leichtman, President, Leichtman Research Group
January 18, 2006, Tech@Tuck panel moderator
Soren A. Mills T'92
VP, Operations, Services & Multi-Channel Integration, Wal-Mart.com
October 13, 2005, Supply Chain Management class speaker
Scott O'Hare T'86
VP, Americas Marketing COC, Dell
November 11, 2005, Supply Chain Management class speaker
Ted Odell
Strategic Planning Director, Digital Home Group, Intel
January 11, 2006, Tech@Tuck speaker
Jim Sanduski
SVP for Digital Video & Audio Product Marketing, Samsung
January 18, 2006, Tech@Tuck panelist
Kevin Schofield
GM of Strategy & Communications, Microsoft Research
January 18, 2006, Tech@Tuck panelist
Tom Rottenberger
Director of HR & Chief Learning Officer, OMD
May 25, 2006, Marketing in a Networked Economy speaker
Karl Ulrich
Professor, Wharton School of Business, Univ. of Penn.
October 6, 2005, Technology, Innovation, and Learning seminar speaker
Joe Uva
President & CEO of OMD
May 25, 2006, Marketing in a Networked Economy speaker
Russell Wolff T'94
EVP & Managing Partner, ESPN International
January 18, 2006, Tech@Tuck panelist
Rosemarie Ziedonis
Professor, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
March 28, 2006, Technology, Innovation, and Learning seminar speaker
CIO Leadership Notes
As mentioned above, the center and the San Francisco-based firm Enterprise Insight launched the online magazine
CIO Leadership Notes. This magazine consists of interviews with leading CIOs focused on strategic management issues. Our goal is to provide provocative and relevant thought-leadership content to the community of large-enterprise CIOs. This year, we produced two issues and three interviews. See
www.cioleadershipnotes.com for the complete interviews.
Ralph Szygenda, Group VP and CIO, General Motors, on "Driving Change."
CIO Leadership Notes. November 2005.
Cliff Dodd, SVP and CIO, Kaiser Permanente on "Driving Change." CIO
Leadership Notes. November 2005.
Austin Adams, CIO, JPMorgan Chase on "Making Mergers Work." CIO
Leadership Notes. February 2006.
Radio Tuck
Radio Tuck is an orginal interview series sponsored by the center and focused on the impact of digital technologies on the corporation of today. Interviews are available on our website as podcasts. In December, we added an RSS feed so individuals can receive updates for Radio Tuck. The immediate response was very good, with 765 requests in the first month. After press pieces on Tuck's website and Dartmouth's VOX, that number doubled to 1,322 in January and then 1,523 and 1,717 in February and March. The interviews are regularly featured on the Tuck homepage and weekly media updates. The url for our site is: www.radiotuck.com.
This was a boon year for Radio Tuck. With the help of our MBA fellows, we produced the following interviews—to listen to an interview, click on its title:
Sandy Alderson, CEO, San Diego Padres
"The Business of Baseball"
Bruce Churchill, EVP, DirecTV Group and President, DirecTV Latin America
"Personalization Key to the Digital Home"
Dave Dougherty, President and COO, Convergys
"Strategic Outsourcing"
Donald LeBlanc, SVP of Customer Marketing,Staples
"Multi-Channel Marketing Made 'Easy'"
Scott O'Hare T'86, VP, Americas Marketing COC, Dell Computer Corporation
"Storage and Standards"
Ted Odell, Strategic Planning Director, Intel's Digital Home Group
"Intel Inside ... the Digital Home"
Andrew Palmer T'94, SVP, Organization & Operations, Infinity Pharmaceuticals
"Informaticians at Infinity"
Peter Rojas, Editor-in-chief, Engadget.com
"Digital Home: Convergence Nirvana?"
Jim Sanduski, SVP for Digital Video & Audio Product Marketing, Samsung
"Content Is King"
Gary Smith T'94, SVP, Worldwide Supply Chain, Timberland
"IT and the Environmental Footprint"
Russell Wolff T'94, EVP and Managing Director, ESPN International
"Sign In, Sports Fans!"
Presentations and Event Participation
The center has presented at or attended the following events this year:
Effective Disruption Conference: "Performance Management"
M. Eric Johnson, presenter
September 8, 2005, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Tuck Roundtable on Digital Strategies: "Leveraging the Enterprise through
Process Transformation"
M. Eric Johnson, presenter
September 27, 2005, Minneapolis, MN
Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting: "Dynamic Capabilities:
Understanding Strategic Change in Organizations"
Constance Helfat, featured presenter
October 2005
Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting: "Firm Growth and Dynamic
Constance Helfat, presenter
October 2005
London Business School: "Innovation Objectives, Knowledge Sources, and the
Benefits of Breadth"
Constance Helfat, presenter
November 2005, London, England
Oxford University: "Innovation Objectives, Knowledge Sources, and the
Benefits of Breadth"
Constance Helfat, presenter
November 2005, Cambridge, England
Crossroads: "Humanitarian Supply Chain Technology"
M. Eric Johnson, moderator
November 12, 2005, Fritz Institute, Sebastopol, CA
INFORMS: "Growing a Customer-Focused Supply Chain"
M. Eric Johnson, presenter
November 13, 2005, San Francisco, CA
MIT: "Innovation Objectives, Knowledge Sources, and the Benefits of Breadth,"
Constance Helfat, presenter
April 2006, Cambridge, MA.
POMS Conference: "Shrinkage Reduction in Distribution: Technologies and
M. Eric Johnson, presenter
April 29, 2006, Boston, MA
Educational Consultants' Conference: "Introduction to the Center for
Digital Strategies"
Hans Brechbühl, presenter
May 15, 2006, Tuck School, Hanover, NH
WEIS 2006: "Costs to the U.S. Economy of Information Infrastructure
Failures: Estimates from Field Studies and Economic Data"
Scott Dynes and M. Eric Johnson, presenters
June 26-28, 2006, Cambridge, England
Participants in Center Events
The center has engaged over 50 senior Fortune 500 executives and top academics in a substantive way at its first two roundtables and its CIO workshop this year (# of roundtables engaged in):
Carl Adams
Professor, Information/Decision Sciences,
Carlson School of Management,
University of Minnesota
Gautam Ahuja
Professor, Strategy, Stephen M. Ross School,
of Business, The University of Michigan
Bruce Anderson
Senior Partner, IBM Global Services
Maria Azua
VP, Technology and Innovation, CIO Office, IBM
Jeffrey Balagna
EVP, CIO and CTO, Carlson Companies, Inc.
Duncan Billing
Chief Marketing Officer, Hasbro Incorporated
Bill Blausey
VP and CIO, Eaton Corporation
Frank Boncimino
SVP and CIO, Time Warner Cable
Brad Boston (2)
Senior VP & CIO, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Peter Burrows
SVP of MIS and CIO, Reebok, Ltd.
Julie Bushman
Staff VP, Information Technology, 3M
Pedro Caceres
Senior VP Operations, Hasbro Games, Hasbro
Lynn Caddell
SVP and CIO, Waste Management Incorporated
Joel Conrad
SVP and CIO, National Life Group
Jeanine Cotter
VP, Business Process, BT/CIO, IBM Corporation
Tom Davenport
President’s Distinguished Professor of Information
Technology & Management and
Director of Research, Process Management Research Center, Babson College
Nancy DeLapp (3)
VP, Global I/T Infrastructure Center of Excellence, IBM
David DeSocio
Chief Strategy Officer, OMD
David Ernst
Partner & Global Practice Leader, McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Rick Federico
CIO and EVP, Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company
John Gallant (moderator)
Editorial Director & President, Network World
Bill Gauld
Former CIO, Pearson plc
Edward Glassmeyer
Managing General Partner, Oak Investment Partners
Edward Granger-Happ
Chief Technology Officer, Save the Children
Jerry Hale (3)
VP, eInformation Services & CIO, Eastman Chemical Company
Kathryn Rudie Harrigan
Henry R. Kravis Professor of Business Leadership, Columbia University
Rita J. Heise (2)
Corporate VP, Information Technology and CIO, Cargill, Incorporated
Mark Hillman
IT Director, Global Supply Chain and B2C Operations, General Motors Corporation
Rebecca Jacoby
VP, Customer Service & Operational Systems, Cisco Systems, Inc.
David Johns
Senior VP/CIO & Chief Supply Chain Officer, Owens Corning
Carol Kline
Former CIO, America Online
M.S. Krishnan
Professor of Business Information Technology, Ross School of Business,
University of Michigan
Karen Lay-Brew
VP, Corporate Systems & Business Improvement, Eaton Corporation
Dave Margulius (3)
Analyst & Consultant, Enterprise Insight
Bill McLaughlin
Chairman & CEO, Select Comfort
Sarah Miller
SVP and CIO, Nash Finch Company
John Mitchell
VP and CIO, Pep Boys Auto
Keith Morrow
SVP, Information Systems and CIO, 7-Eleven Incorporated
Casey Powell
CEO, Xiotech Corporation
James T. Prokopanko
Corporate VP, Cargill, Incorporated
Thor Geir Ramleth (2)
Senior VP & CIO, Bechtel Group, Inc.
Dan Rosen
Principal, China Strategic Advisory
Jon Ruth
VP, Noticeably Better Processes,
Cargill, Incorporated
Larry Schwartz
EVP, Global Operations
Information Management Group (IMG), Convergys
Doug Schwinn (4)
Senior VP & CIO, Hasbro Incorporated
Robert Sell
VP & CIO, Eaton Corporation
Michael Thyken
Senior VP & CIO, Select Comfort
Susan Sheskey
VP & CIO, Dell Inc.
Paul Van Dyke
Director, M&A IT Transitions, CIO Office, IBM
Marc West
SVP and CIO, H&R Block
Lee Whisman
Relationship Manager, Corporate Development,
Eastman Chemical Company
Chuck Williams
Chief Technology Officer, Pfizer
The following executives and academics participated in our security workshop, Embedding Information Security Risk Management into the Extended Enterprise:
Bill Aerts
Director of Information Protection, Medtronic Corporation
Mike Bilger
Director, Security and Privacy Services, IBM Corporation
Brad Boston
SVP & CIO, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Steven W. Boutelle
Lieutenant General, Chief Information Officer/G-6
Office of the Secretary of the Army,
U.S. Army
Jeff Chumbley
Director, Global Information Security & Compliance, Dell
Terri Curran
Director, Corporate Information Security Services, Bose Corporation
Chris Dunning
Director IS
Enterprise Information Security Officer, Staples Incorporated
Scott Dynes
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Digital Strategies, Tuck School of Business,
Dartmouth College
John Gallant (moderator)
Editorial Director & President, Network World
Eric Goetz
Assistant Director, Research and Analysis, I3P, Dartmouth College
Ian Henderson
Security Advisor, BP p.l.c.
Neil Hershfield
Director, Chemical Sector Cyber Security Program, The Dow Chemical Company
Barry M. Horowitz
Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Virginia
Theresa Jones
Director of Information Security, Compliance, &, Risk Management, The Dow
Chemical Company
Dave Margulius
Analyst and Founder, Enterprise Insight
Jack Matejka
Director, IT Security, Eaton Corporation
Donna McJunkin
Manager IT Security and Integrity, 3M Corporation
Jim McMahon
Senior Director, Chief Security Officer, Align Technology, Inc.
Steve McOwen
Senior Manager, Audit, Incident Response and Security Services, Cisco
Systems, Inc.
Jeff Mitchell
Director of IT Security & Architecture, Lowe's
John Moore
Director, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Security, IBM
Andy Ozment
Researcher, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Shari Lawrence Pfleeger
Senior Information Scientist, RAND Corporation
Rich Quinney
Manager of Communication Services, The Pep Boys
Sherry Ryan
Chief Information Security Officer, Hewlett-Packard
Steve Shirley
VP of IT Security & Strategy, Lowe's
Phillip D. Shupe
Manager, Systems Integrity & Administration, Eastman Chemical Company
Doug Smith
Corporate Information Security and, Business Continuity Executive, Bank of America
John Stewart
VP and Chief Security Officer, Corporate Security Programs Organization, Cisco
Systems, Inc.
Terri Tuya
Director, Information Risk Management, Global Information Technology,
Sondra Walker
Associate Director, I3P, Dartmouth College
Nancy Wilson
Director, Enterprise Information Security, Time Warner Cable Corporate
Martin Wybourne
Vice Provost for Research, I3P, Dartmouth College
Executive Fellows
This was our second year working with our executive fellows. We welcome the opportunity to be affiliated with the following thoughtful executives who share common interests and are engaged with the work of the center:
Adam Golodner, Director, Global Security and Technology Policy, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Sam Kinney, Founder, General Partner, Firehole Partners, L.P.
Blair LaCorte, Operating Partner, Texas Pacific Group
John Marshall, (formerly) Executive VP and Global Director of Strategy, Digitas
Media Mentions
The center's leadership has been quoted or the center (or its events) mentioned in a number of articles in the public media over the course of the past year:
"Overhauling the HP Way." BusinessWeek.com, July 19, 2005.
"New Strategy for HP?" The New York Times, July 23, 2005.
"The eBay eXtravaganza." NHPR, August 5, 2005
"Campus Precedents." Inside Arts, September/October 2005.
"U.S. Economy to Feel Katrina's Force." Boston Globe, September 2, 2005.
"A Broader Context for Information Security." Financial Times, September 16, 2005.
"Campus Precedents." Inside Arts, September/October 2005.
"Opportunities and Challenges in IT/Finance Alignment." Knowledge@Wharton,
November 2-15, 2005.
"'Housewives' Conquer the iPod: US television stations are pushing a business
model that puts pressure on the networks." Werbewoche.com, November 23, 2005.
"A Ripping Good Idea." Valley News, November 27, 2005.
"Just in Time for the Holidays." Harvard Business Review, December 2005.
"Boston Wi-Fi Spat Born in Airport Lounge May Set U.S. Rules." Bloomberg.com,
February 20, 2006.
"American Girl Place Avoids Growth Spurt." Los Angeles Times, April 17, 2006.
"Sun Micro's New Chief Pledges to Revive Sales Growth." Bloomberg, April 25, 2006.
"New Sun CEO Is Unconventional, Controversial." Wall Street Journal, April 26, 2006.
Dartmouth/Tuck and Alumni Publicity
The center and its events have also been mentioned in several Tuck or Dartmouth publications. The center has been featured in the publications noted below:
"Technology, Innovation and Learning," Tuck Today. Summer 2005. p. 23.
"Tech@Tuck," Tuck Today. Summer 2005. p. 25.
"Center for Digital Strategies," Tuck Alumni Newsbytes. Fall 2005
"What Price Cybersecurity?" Tuck Forum. Fall 2005.
"Grant to Study Information Sharing and Trust," Buzzflood.org. September 26, 2006.
"Center for Digital Strategies Leads Studies on Information Security,
Technology and Trust," Tuck Times. September 30, 2005.
"ISTS Appoints New Research Fellows." Dartmouth Vox. November 7, 2005.
"Behind the Scenes: Process Transformation," Tuck Times.
November 11, 2005.
"Tech@Tuck 2006 to Spotlight the Digital Home," Tuck Times.
November 11, 2005.
"Tech@Tuck: Welcome to the Digital Home," Buzzflood.org. December 21, 2005.
"'Tech at Tuck' brings technology companies to campus," The Dartmouth.
January 19, 2006.
"Radio Tuck Covers Technology and Business," Dartmouth Vox.
January 23, 2006.
"Radio Tuck," Buzzflood.org. January 23, 2006.
"John Marshall T’92: High Tech to High Seas," Tuck Times. February 24, 2006.
"Center for Digital Strategies," Tuck Alumni Newsbytes. Spring 2006
"Sandy Alderson, D'69, CEO of the San Diego Padres, on Radio Tuck,"
Buzzflood.org. April 16, 2006.
"Center for Digital Strategies: A Focus on Fellows," Tuck Times. April
17, 2006.
"Marshall's Mini Course," Tuck Times. April 17, 2006.
"Measuring Up," Dartmouth Vox.
June 26, 2006.
Press Releases and Other Publicity
The center has coordinated with the PR office for press releases (unless indicated otherwise) on its major events this year. The following is a list of press releases this year:
"Tuck and Center Gathers Top Execs to Discuss Process Transformation." Tuck
School Press Release, September 1, 2005.
"Tech@Tuck: Welcome to the Digital Home." Tuck School Press Release, January
4, 2006.
"Tuck Center Gathers Top Execs to Discuss Joint Venturing/
Strategic Partnering." Tuck School Press Release, January 19, 2006.
"Tuck Center Co-Hosts Workshop on Developing a Secure Organization." Tuck
School Press Release, February 20, 2006.
"Tuck Center Gathers CIOs for Workshop on Leading Change." Tuck School
Press Release, April 1, 2006.
"Tuck Center Gathers Top Execs to Discuss Product Innovation." Tuck
School Press Release, June 1, 2006.
"Tuck Study Shows How IT Failures Ripple Through U.S. Economy." Tuck
School Press Release, June 26, 2006.
Website Development
During the year, the center stepped up the rotation of its content, adding new articles to the homepage more frequently. There is a new section focusing on the new seminar series, and an expanded section for the center's case studies library, including a comprehensive chart and reprint permission form. We have also added a mailing list form to collect contact information for those interested in receiving regular news from the center, and an RSS feed so individuals can receive updates for Radio Tuck.
The site has seen a marked increase in traffic, averaging more than 2,000 requests for pages per week since the beginning of this academic year. This is an increase of 46% from last year's numbers. The web sign-up forms have generated several requests to be added to our mailing list, as well as requests from professors to review cases for their courses and to see teaching notes. Our Radio Tuck RSS feed went live in December and shortly after was added to the iTunes store. After press pieces on Tuck's website and Dartmouth's VOX, the feed recorded a 150% increase in hits in the second month. The url for our site is: www.tuck.dartmouth.edu/digitalstrategies.
Below are two charts noting the increased traffic trend. For each chart below, click on the image to enlarge.