Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
Institutional Mechanisms for Industry Self-Regulation

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Friday, February 24

8:00-        Business Sustainability Initiative Conference



6:00         Reception and Conversation with Experts (Hanover Inn)

Terry Yosie (former head of the Responsible Care Program)

Justin Ward (Center for Environmental Leadership in Business)

Suellen Lazarus (ABN Amro)

Arturo Franco Hernandez (Cemex)


7:00         Official Conference Dinner - Hanover Inn


Saturday, February 25

8:00     Continental Breakfast Buffet


8:30     Welcome: Andrew King and Michael Lenox


9:00     Session 1: Private logics for self-regulation

            Chair: Michael Lenox

Madhu Khanna, George Deltas & Donna Harrington (U Illinois & U Guelph)

Adoption of Pollution Prevention Techniques: The Role of Management Systems, Demand-Side Factors and Complementary Assets

Donald Siegel & Donald Vitaliano (RPI)

An Empirical Analysis of the Strategic Use of Corporate Social Responsibility

Chuck Easley & Michael Lenox (Duke) Secondary Stakeholder Actions and the Selection of Firm Targets

Discussant: T. Bansal (University of Western Ontario)

10:30   Coffee Break


10:45     Session 2A: Information disclosure

            Chair: Andrew King

Thomas Lyon and John Maxwell (U Michigan & Indiana U)

Greenwash: Corporate Environmental Disclosure under Threat of Audit

Michael Pfarrer, Ken Smith, Kathryn Bartol, Dmitry Khanin, Xiaomeng Zhang (U Maryland)

Coming Forward: Institutional Influences on Voluntary Disclosure

Jodi Short & Michael Toffel (UC-Berkeley)

Turning Themselves In: Why Companies Disclose Regulatory Violations

                Discussant: Richard Howarth Dartmouth College

10:45     Session 2B: Codes and contracts

            Chair: Michael Lenox

David Weil & Carlos Mallo (Boston U)

Regulating labor standards via supply chains: Lessons from a public / private approach to intervention

Monica Romis (MIT)

Beneath Corporate Codes of Conduct: What Drives Compliance in Two Mexican Garment Factories?  

Kevin Zheng Zhou & Laura Poppo (U Hong Kong & Virginia Tech)

Relational Contracts in China: Relational Governance and Contractual Assurance

                Discussant: F. Oberholzer-Gee (Harvard Business School)

12:15       Lunch in Pepsico Dining Room & Poster Session in Stell Hall


1:15   Session 3A: Industry commons

            Chair: Mike Toffel

Michael Barnett & Andrew King (U South Florida & Tuck/Dartmouth U)

Privatizing Industry Reputations: An Institutional Explanation of Industry Self-Regulation

Marc Rysman & Tim Simcoe (Boston U & U Toronto)

Patents and the Performance of Voluntary Standard Setting Organizations

Jeffrey Furman & Scott Stern (Boston U & Northwestern)

Climbing Atop the Shoulders of Giants: The Impact of Institutions on Cumulative Research

    Discussant: Constance Helfat, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

1:15   Session 3B: International certification

Chair: Michael Lenox

Petra Christmann & Glen Taylor (Rutgers & U Tampa)

Firm Self-Regulation Through International Certifiable Standards: Determinants of Symbolic Versus Substantive Implementation

Aseem Prakash & Matthew Potoski (U Washington & Iowa State)

Positive Dependencies? FDI and the Cross-Country Diffusion of ISO 14001 Management Systems 

Mariėtte van Amstel-van Saane, Peter Driessen & Pieter Glasbergen (U Utrecht)

Assurances in Eco-labels to Diminish Information Asymmetry: a Comparison of Five Dutch Eco-labels

    Discussant: C. Coglianese (Kennedy School of Government at Harvard)


2:45     Coffee Break



3:00     Session 4: Public interaction with self-regulation

            Chair: Michael Toffel

Michael DeVaughn & Karen Schnatterly (U Minnesota)

Stricter Rules, Looser Governance: Regulatory Intensity, Board Monitoring and their Joint Performance Effects in Commercial Banking

Stephen Mezias & Seungwha Chung (NYU)

Codified Self Regulation and its Crises: Financial Reporting Rules In The United States, 1973-1987

Jordan Siegel (Harvard)

Reputational Bonding and the Strategic Choice of Foreign Institutions

                                Discussant: A. Hoffman (University of Michigan)

5:00     Hors d’oeuvres & Poster Session in Stell Hall


Ralph Espach (UC Berkeley) Global Standards, Local Constraints: Private Environmental Regulation in Argentina and Brazil.

Jane Lister (U British Columbia) Co-Regulating Self Regulation: Government Role in Forest Certification

Eun-Hee Kim & Thomas Lyon (U Michigan) Why Do Firms Participate in Voluntary Environmental Programs?: The Case of DOE’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program

Deborah Philippe (HEC) Talking Green: Organizational Environmental Communication as a Legitimacy-Enhancement Strategy

6:30     Self-organized dinner (conference packet has information on local restaurants).


Notes: Presenter’s name is underlined. All poster sessions are not yet confirmed.