Why Smart Executives Fail is a book by Sydney Finkelstein that explores corporate mistakeswhat they are, why they occur, and what managers, leaders,
and investors can do about them.

In the two years since the publication of Why Smart Executives Fail, Professor Finkelstein has continued his research into what goes wrong in leading organizations, and supplemented it with additional analysis of thriving, winning organizations. The net result is a deeper understanding of the early warning signs that differentiate successful and failing companies, before the really bad stuff happens.
Now, in conjunction with Jackson Leadership Systems, Professor Finkelstein has created a management tool that can help boards and senior executives identify the leading indicators that his research has found to be predictors of trouble down the line. The SMART Early Warning System(TM) provides a detailed snapshot of the potential vulnerabilities and risks companies face. Armed with these critical insights, boards and top managers can turn their attention to the most pressing issues that need fixing, and avoid the calamities that have struck companies like General Motors, Enron, and AIG.
For more information, click on SMART Early Warning System(TM) or call Eric Jackson of Jackson Leadership at 905-473-7218 x222.