RadioTuck Has Moved...
Ben Edwards, VP, Digital Strategy and Development, IBM on Social and the Enterprise
VP of Digital Strategy and Development at IBM, Ben Edwards, participated in 2011's Tech@Tuck panel discussion, titled, "Social & The Enterprise." Following the discussion, Mr. Edwards spoke with CDS Fellow, Anant Shivraj T'11, to discuss the current state and future of social technologies.

The Social Enterprise & the CIO; John Gallant; SVP and Chief Content Officer, IDG Enterprise

John's insightful interview considers the role of the CIO given the growth of social technologies. John also discusses the future of the enterprise in regards to the prevalence of new social technologies. (Interview by Sara Russo T'11, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)

Social Technologies & The Enterprise; Sam Howe, CMO, Time Warner Cable

Sam shares his insights regarding the new social landscape. From customer care and support to internal collaboration, the capabilities of social technologies are only just beginning to be understood and utilized. (Interview by Elissa Kline T'11, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)

Social & the Enterprise; Gary Grates, President and Global Managing Director, Edelman Change and Employee Engagement

Gary discusses new and emerging social technologies, how companies can leverage social and what the future looks like in regards to social and the enterprise. (Interview by Sara Russo T'11, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)

Social Media; Doug Neil T'91, SVP, Universal Pictures

SVP of Digital Marketing at Universal Pictures, Doug Neil T'91, spoke with CDS Fellow, Cassie Young T'11, following his participation in a panel titled, "Customer Engagement in the New Social World." Mr. Neil talked about the reach and strength of social technologies. (Interview by Cassie Young T'11, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)

Cloud Computing; Mark Dickey, Salesforce.com

Mark Dickey, SVP at Salesforce.com Foundation, spoke with attendants about Salesforce.com Foundation's new social product called Chatter and answered questions about cloud computing and its impact on today's business world. (Interview by Elissa Kline T'11, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)

Social Marketing; Collin Douma, Proximity BBDO

Collin Douma, VP of Social Media at Proximity BBDO, on what it means to gain influence, how social technology has empowered customers and what the future looks like for businesses given the rise of social technology. ((Interview by visiting fellow, Martina Moertner)

Empowered Customers; Josh Bernoff, Forrester
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SVP of Idea Development at Forrester Research, Josh Bernoff discusses the challenges and opportunities of managing in today's age of customers who are equally empowered, due to social technology. (Interview by Julien Kervella T'11, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)

Free Model; Roger McNamee, Elevation Partners |

Roger McNamee,
Tuck Alum and Managing Director and Co-Founder of Elevation Partners, visited Tuck to perform with his band, Moonalice. Prior to the show, Roger sat down with students to discuss venture capital and the free model strategy of Internet firms.
Customer Engagement in the New Social World

How are companies leveraging social technologies to increase brand loyalty and market share? What are some best practices for customer engagement? The following panelists considered these questions and more. They shared their insight and experience into the power of social customer engagement.
Collin Douma, VP, Social Media, Proximity BBDO
Kyle Keogh T'99, Director, Sales Strategy and Planning, Google
Doug Neil T'91, SVP, Digital Marketing, Universal Pictures
John F. Marshall T'92, Senior Partner & Director of Brand Strategy, Lippincott, (panel moderator)

LBS; Margot Delogne, Tele Atlas |

The Vice President of Global Communications at Tele Atlas, Margot Carlson Delogne, spoke to MBA students about map creation and how digital maps and location based services effect business and individuals. (Interview by Daniel Hawkins T'10, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)
Social Mobile Apps; Kevin Bradshaw, buzzd |

buzzd is a location-based network offering crowdsourced ratings in live time of restaurants, nightlife and venues in cities across the United States. Kevin Bradshaw, the CEO of buzzd, participated in the Tech@Tuck panel on Mobile Strategy, Technology, Entertainment and Innovation. Kevin continued the discussion in an interview offered here. (Interview by Adam Carson T'10, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)
Mobile Technology; Mark Vandenbrink, Samsung |

Mark VandenBrink is Vice President of Technology Solutions for the Wireless Terminals division of Samsung Telecommunications America. In this role, VandenBrink focuses on the design and implementation of next-generation software and wireless technologies. (Interview by Adam Carson T'10, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)
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Advertising in Mobile; Jason Spero, Admob |

Jason Spero is Vice President of Marketing at AdMob. He is responsible for global marketing activities in AdMob's more than 160 country markets. Jason spoke with the Center for Digital Strategies Program Manager, Jennifer Childs, and Adam Carson, T'10, a Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow, about the mobile advertising marketplace of today and of the future.
Mobile Finance; Dan Radcliffe, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation |

Daniel Radcliffe, Associate Program Officer, Financial Services for the Poor at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation speaks with the CDS about making microfinance accessible to poor people in developing countries. (Interview by the Center for Digital Strategies Program Manager, Jennifer Childs and Itamir Goldman T'09, Center for Digital Strategies MBA Fellow)
Mobile, CAM, SMS; Vijay Aditya, ekgaon |

Co-founder and CEO of ekgaon, Vijay Pratap Singh Aditya, discusses bringing information and communication technologies to the vast segments of the population who otherwise might not receive it. (Interview by the Center for Digital Strategies Program Manager, Jennifer Childs)
The Internet Impact; Joshua Gans, Harvard |

Joshua Gans, Economics Professor at the Melbourne Business School and visiting scholar at Harvard University discusses the challenges and opportunities the Internet presents to the news media and advertising markets. (Interview by the Center for Digital Strategies Program Manager, Jennifer Childs)
Watching Video, Blair Westlake, Microsoft |

Blair Westlake, Corporate Vice President, Media and Entertainment Group, Microsoft Corp. describes how media companies are responding to dynamic changes in consumer viewing habits and technology. A respected entertainment industry executive also shares advice for students interested in pursuing a career in the rapidly-changing media and entertainment industry. (Interview by Jane Applegate, former PR and Marketing Manager, Center for Digital Strategies)
Consumers & Video; Steven Abraham, IBM |

Steven Abraham, Global Leader Media & Entertainment, IBM Global Business Services, shares his views on how
new technologies are meeting consumer demand to watch video content where, when and how they prefer to watch.
He also offers insights and great advice for students interested in pursuing a career in the rapidly-changing media
and entertainment industry.
(Interview by Matthew Barber T'09)
Opps for Broadband; Robert Quicksilver, TidalTV

Robert Quicksilver, D’77, TidalTV's chief content officer, discusses the challenges and opportunities currently facing companies in the highly competitive broadband TV space. Robert has a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School and a B.A. from Dartmouth College where he graduated summa cum laude. (Interview by Philip DeGisi T'09)
The TV Landscape; James McQuivey, Forrester |

James McQuivey, Ph.D., vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research, provides a provocative, insider view of trends and the future of television, including broadcast, cable and internet TV. McQuivey kicked off the 2008-2009 Britt Technology Impact Series at Tuck. (Interview by Rama Oruganti T'09)
One Laptop Per Child; Chuck Kane |

Chuck Kane, a former accountant, is now CEO of Cambridge, Mass.-based One Laptop Per Child. OLPC's mission is to provide millions of underprivileged children with a free, indestructible laptop computer. The organization is working with major corporations and government leaders to meet the challenge. (Interview by Katherine Loarie T'09)
Web's Edge; Susan Stevens, Boston Globe |

The newspaper business is facing severe challenges as ad sales drop and subscriptions decline. The Boston Globe uses its powerful website, Boston.com, to maintain dominance in the market. Susan Hunt Stevens, vice president of circulation and marketing, discusses their strategy with Radio Tuck. (Interview by Darryl Seet T'08)
Media Firms Forced to Re-Think Models |

Theodore (Ted) Niedermayer, managing director of Merrill Lynch’s Media & Telecom investment banking group discuss the impact of social networking sites and new technology on traditional media companies with Radio Tuck. (Interview by Darryl Seet T'08)
New Media Challenges; Michael Montgomery |

Michael Montgomery discusses how well-funded new media companies are taking business and profits away from traditional media outlets. (Interview by Darryl Seet T'08)
Personal Fan Content; Ariel Diaz, YouCastr.com |

Ariel Diaz, co-founder, president and CEO of YouCastr.com, has created a sports-oriented site for avid fans. He discusses his unique business model with Radio Tuck. (Interview by Darryl Seet T'08)
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Radio Tuck is a production of the Center for Digital Strategies, a research center based at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.
The Center is dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of management in a digital, networked economy and to linking practitioners and scholars in ways that build economic value.