Radio Tuck Center for Digital Strategies
Josh Bernoff
Josh Bernoff
SVP Idea Development
Forrester Research
Managing in the Age of Empowered Customers
Duration: 22m 52s          Date: January 2011
Customers today have more power than businesses, in fact more power than any institution. A majority are in social networks. They connect at all times of day, and from anywhere, using smart phones. They define brands, demand service, and make or break companies with their word of mouth. There is only one strategy that can succeed in the age of the empowered consumer – empower your own workforce to serve them. In this talk, Josh quantifies the power of consumers, describes the four steps companies need to take to turn empowered consumers to their advantage, and shows how empowered workers will transform the way companies are managed. (Interview by Julien Kervella T'11)

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RadioTuck is a production of the Glassmeyer/McNamee Center for Digital Strategies
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