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Global Talent and the Next Generation Workforce
Roundtable on Digital Strategies
June 17 , 2008 - Cleveland, Ohio
hosted by Eaton

CIOs and other senior execs from 3M, Bechtel, DISA, Eastman, Eaton, GM, ING, and Save the Children were joined by academics from Tuck, Duke, and Rutgers for this roundtable.

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List of Participants
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Discussion Guide
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Overview Article
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A changing world economy, rising energy prices, and technology create challenges for global corporations. Baby-boomer retirements and a new generation of young workers are further shifting how companies manage their workers.

The U.S. is educating engineers but they are increasingly not American. We no longer have the stable employment patterns of middle of the last century or the abundant amount of talent enjoyed towards the end of the century.

In this roundtable, members discussed the trends and best practices for recruiting and retaining employees, educating people and managing them across time zones and cultural divides. We also discussed how to move workers around the world, manage them through new technologies and how to retain vital knowledge as workers retire. The generation gap between managers and younger workers and the reliance on IP and communications devices were also be addressed.

In this roundtable, we discussed the following issues:

  • How are global economic, business, social and demographic trends affecting your firms’ approach to talent management?

  • Is the project loss of talent due to the retirement of the baby-boomer generation real? Will they really retire at 65 or keep working? If the majority retire at 65, how will this affect your business?

  • How concerned are you about the Millennial Generation (Gen Y) entering the workforce? How do you define the challenges and opportunities this group represents? Is your firm actively addressing this issue?

  • Do you truly value employees with broad geographic experience?

  • How are the work expectations of employees changing? How do you proactively address changes? What levers do you have to pull?

  • How is technology, especially the internet, changing the global talent landscape?

  • What are the key changes you’ve made to recruiting? How do you take advantage of Web 2.0 type technologies in recruiting? Do you use social networking sites to identify new hires?

  • What programs do you have to retain people you want?

  • How do you get the right people in the right place at the right time?

  • How do address issues of employee work/life boundaries?

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