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Description of 25 Portfolios Formed Daily on Size and Momentum for Developed Markets

Daily Returns:


December 1, 1990– January 31, 2025






All returns are in U.S. dollars, include dividends and capital gains, and are not continuously compounded. We sort stocks in a region into five market cap and five lagged momentum return groups at the end of each day t.

The size breakpoints for a region are the 3rd, 7th, 13th, and 25th percentiles of the region's aggregate market capitalization. For portfolios formed at the end of day t–1, the lagged momentum return is a stock's cumulative return for day t–250 to t–20. The momentum breakpoints for all stocks in a region are the 20th, 40th, 60th, and 80th percentiles of the lagged momentum return for big (top 90% of market cap) stocks of the region.

The developed portfolios use developed size breaks, but we use the momentum breakpoints for each region to allocate the region's stocks to the developed portfolios. Similarly, the developed ex us portfolios use developed ex us size breaks and regional momentum breakpoints. The 25 value-weight size-momentum portfolios for a region are the intersections of the independent 5x5 size and momentum sorts.






The portfolios constructed each day include stocks with prior return data. To be included in a portfolio for day t (formed at the end of the day t–1), a stock must have a price for the end of day t–251 and a good return for t–21.


Country Developed Developed ex US Europe Japan Asia Pacific ex Japan North America
 Great Britain      
 Hong Kong      
 New Zealand      
 United States