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Description of 6 Portfolios Formed on Size and Investment for Developed Markets

Daily Returns:


July 1, 1990 – August 30, 2024




Monthly Returns:


July 1990 – August, 2024




Annual Returns:








All returns are in U.S. dollars, include dividends and capital gains, and are not continuously compounded. We sort stocks in a region into two market cap and three Investment (Inv) groups at the end of June of each year t.

Big stocks are those in the top 90% of June market cap for the region, and small stocks are those in the bottom 10%. The Inv breakpoints for big and small stocks in a region are the 30th and 70th percentiles of Inv for the big stocks of the region.

The developed portfolios use developed size breaks, but we use Inv breakpoints for each region to allocate the region's stocks to the developed portfolios. Similarly, the developed ex us portfolios use developed ex us size breaks and regional Inv breakpoints. The independent 2x3 sorts on size and Inv produce six value-weight portfolios, SA, SN, SC, BA, BN, and BC, where S and B indicate small or big and A, N, and C indicate conservative (low Inv), neutral, and aggressive (high Inv).






The portfolios for July of year t to June of t+1 include all stocks for which we have market equity data for June of t and total assets data for t-2 and t-1.


Country Developed Developed ex US Europe Japan Asia Pacific ex Japan North America
 Great Britain      
 Hong Kong      
 New Zealand      
 United States