Detail for 6
Portfolios Formed on Size and Book-to-Market
Daily Returns: |
July 1, 1926 - October 31, 2024 |
Weekly Returns: |
July 2, 1926 - October 31, 2024 |
Monthly Returns: |
July 1926 - October 2024 |
Annual Returns: |
1927 - 2023 |
Construction: |
portfolios, which are constructed at the end of each June, are the
intersections of 2 portfolios formed on size (market equity, ME) and 3
portfolios formed on the ratio of book equity to market equity (BE/ME). The
size breakpoint for year t is the median NYSE market equity at the end of June
of year t. BE/ME for June of year t is the book equity for the last fiscal year
end in t-1 divided by ME for December of t-1. The BE/ME breakpoints are the
30th and 70th NYSE percentiles. |
Stocks: |
The portfolios
for July of year t to June of t+1 include all NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks for
which we have market equity data for December of t-1 and June of t, and
(positive) book equity data for t-1.