Tuck Tornado

Installation Instructions

  1. Download TuckTornado.zip. Create a directory in your documents folder and give it a meaningful name (e.g. Tornado) and save the file in that folder. Right click on the file and extract TuckTornado.xlam to the directory.
  2. Install Tuck Tornado.
    • Microsoft Windows (watch video)
      1. Open Excel.
      2. Click File | Options | Add-Ins.
      3. At the bottom of the right pane is a dropdown box and Excel Add-ins is usually selected as the default, else select it.
      4. Click the Go... button.
      5. Click the Browse... button and navigate to where you stored TuckTornado.xlam. If you are asked if you would like to copy the file to your Add-Ins folder, click No.
      6. Click OK. Tuck Tornado should now be available under the Add-Ins menu.
    • macOS (watch video)
      1. Open Excel 2016. This is important because Tuck Tornado is not likely to work properly with older versions of Excel.
      2. Click Tools | Excel Add-Ins.
      3. Click the Browse... button and navigate to where you stored TuckTornado.xlam.
      4. Click OK.
      5. Restart Excel.
      6. Tuck Tornado should now be available under the Add-Ins menu.

Tuck Tornado Support

Tuck Tornado is free software, but we cannot offer any promise of support. We will try and answer questions about the software and give advice, but be advised that there may be a considerable delay before we can respond. Please direct all inquires to: sensitivity.toolkit@dartmouth.edu.