TP: What initially led to your interest in supply chain coordination?
DP: I used to play the
“Beer Game” with my students well before it became a big hit. Today everybody plays it in the core curriculum
of both business and engineering. When
I first started to play it at Tuck about 12 years ago, we used to play
the game for a class period and then do a debrief to talk about the
systems dynamics of the game. The
fundamental problem was how to smooth out the “bullwhip effect.” The bullwhip effect is the term given to the
oscillation of the order pattern faced by a firm in a supply chain and
to the amplification of that order pattern as one moves up the chain. In other words, firms at the top of a supply
chain face much higher variance of orders than firms facing retail demand.
TP: What kinds of solutions were you thinking of at the time?
DP: One of the answers
was to increase information flow up and down the chain. At the time there was no Internet to speak of but there was electronic
data interchange [EDI] which was a very big deal. Everyone was talking and writing about it.
EDI increased the speed and accuracy of orders, for example,
by eliminating typos from one person to another and by providing instantaneous
order transmittal. I was reading about EDI and felt that it was
well suited to solving one of the root causes of the bullwhip effect,
namely the lack of visibility up and down the supply chain. EDI could give the visibility you needed.
TP: How did you think EDI could help to smooth out the bullwhip
DP: I started doing research
with Professors Steve Powell and Karla Bourland. We asked ourselves if we could somehow model the bullwhip effect
to understand what was going on. We
grappled with questions about what information might need to be transmitted.
How might inventory or production policies change if visibility
increased in this way? If this would be implemented by a supplier,
how would a supplier use the information to change inventory-ordering
policies? How much money could be saved if we coordinated this way?
TP: What did you learn from this research?
DP: We learned that the
factory saves all the money and that the retailer gets significantly
better service. The retailer
does save some money in the form of reduced inventory, but not as much
as the manufacturer. In fact, when considering all the costs of
such a system, the retailer’s costs in some cases actually went up slightly.
The real gains to the retailer were in the service levels, which
could increase significantly. In fact the slight increase in costs to the
retailer were immaterial when you considered the increased service levels. The factory could easily cover the slightly
higher costs to the retailer with the significant savings that it could
TP: Was there suddenly a big rush to implement EDI?
DP: At the time EDI was
still quite expensive and hard to implement.
The basic communications and IT infrastructures needed to implement
such a system were not yet fully in place.
TP: So to whom did you target your findings?
DP: Our hope in writing the
article was that academics and practitioners would recognize that this
technology could be used for more than just fast and accurate mail.
Over and over again we saw that it was a nice
way to increase visibility up and down the supply chain. They could
fundamentally change the way they handled their inventory and production
processes.While the research
started in 1990, it was published much later.
By the time it was out everybody was thinking about the Internet
doing this kind of thing. Supply
Chain was not even in the original title and we changed it to Timely
Demand since it was no longer dependent on the specific technology of
EDI. It could be done over the phone or over the
TP: Have you furthered the research?
DP: We had plans to go
on but because there was such a long lag between the original research
and when it finally got published, we began to conduct research in other
areas. However, I am now working on something closely
related which I will describe in a minute. One interesting outcome, however is this: the results of the beer
game can be a bit misleading because some of the bullwhip problems are
related to irrational behavior of the players.
For example, most players forget that they have already placed
an order when determining what their next order should be. A rational decision-maker would not make that mistake unless their
supplier failed to deliver. On
the other hand, ordering in “full truck load” shipments is rational
behavior that can create significant spikes and valleys in demand. Many people are modeling this type of situation.
TP: So others have expanded upon your work?
DP: People are trying
to understand the money that can be saved from Vendor Managed Inventory
(VMI). In VMI, there is but
one decision-maker. But what
happens if we have independent decision-makers that do not want to give
up their decision rights? Can we structure incentives to replicate the
solution that would be generated by one decision-maker? Can we set up
a system in which the Nash equilibrium solution is the same one that
would be arrived at by a single optimizing decision-maker? In some cases,
the structures that need to be put in place are theoretically correct,
but bizarre to implement. An example would be a structure where a vendor
pays a customer if the vendor stocks out. Such solutions are only interesting from an academic point of view.
TP: What other events have led to an increased interest in
this subject?
DP: This stream of research
resulted from four separate events.
First, our original paper poked at the idea a bit. Second, the growth of the Internet and the
supply chain initiatives that have sprung from it have increased the
general awareness of these issues.
Third, the widespread use and understanding of the beer game
has increased the understanding of the bullwhip phenomenon.
Finally, a paper written by Stanford Professors Lee and Whang
has really pushed the thinking on this matter.
They are the ones who began to understand the rational reasons
for the bullwhip effect. These
four events have led to an entire stream of research on how to integrate
and smooth out the supply chain.
TP: What is the focus of your research today?
DP: With the e-commerce
boom and the complete restructuring of the supply chain in some industries,
I’ve decided to write an article about e-furniture and e-fulfillment. There is a complex logistics problem in trying
to figure out how to restructure the channel. The ordering of furniture over the Internet has some cost advantages
in order processing that are potentially outweighed by delivery issues.
Two models seem to be emerging in this area.
One is the model that is a cooperative of several
organizations on the supply chain from the factory to the house.
The other is one such as in which one organization
controls the entire chain.
TP: Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your research.
DP: Your welcome.