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Next Generation Services: Personalization and Privacy
February 16, 2005

Panel Overview
PDF (87K)

Press Release
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Event Schedule
PDF (114K)

Panelist Bios
PDF (135K)

Background Info
PDF (3223K)

Results of personalization and privacy survey
PDF (167K)

Products Demonstration Photos

Panel Discussion Photos

Personalization services is a hot topic both on- and off-line. From cell-phone plans to custom-fit apparel, companies are promising better products if they have access to more personal information about their customers.

This Tech@Tuck examined how companies make decisions about what types of personal information to use, and what kinds of products to offer. How do companies gather, store, segment, and process consumers' personal information? How can personalization enhance existing products and services? What are consumers' expressed concerns about the gathering of personal information? Do their concerns vary according to what type of information is gathered (entertainment preferences, financial creditworthiness, or medical history) or what kind of enhanced value they can expect in return (exclusive travel options or improved healthcare)?

The three components of the day were:

  • Products Demonstration: A display of the latest devices and software that offer next-generation services in telecommunications, entertainment, health care, etc.

  • Personalization & Privacy Panel Discussion: A discussion among senior industry executives about consumer personalization on the web, in retail and financial spaces, and how they are considering the tradeoff decisions for their companies and customers. Ari Schwartz, associate director for the Center for Democracy and Technology, moderated the discussion and Larry Ponemon, founder of the Ponemon Institute, gave introductory remarks.

  • Personalization & Privacy in Health Care: An intimate discussion on personalization and privacy in the health care space with executives from the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth Medical School, and Accenture. Don Conway, adjunct professor at Tuck and Dartmouth Medical School, moderated the discussion.

The Center for Digital Strategies and the Tuck School wish to thank all our participants, panelists, and those who came to listen and learn!

Center for Digital Strategies' Information Security Project
"Information Security and Privacy: At Odds with Speed and Collaboration?" - a Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies
"Security and Privacy: Business Dilemma or Opportunity?" - a Tuck alumni panel hosted by the Center for Digital Strategies